Wednesday, May 22, 2013

One friend's trash is now my lovely treasure!

I'm having almost a perfect day. Almost because I would love a slice of sponge cake, but other than that, I'm having a perfect day. The weather is still and sunny, the garden looks nice and we've had Mezz, her hubby and their little Miss over for a band practice (not me, them, but Little Miss, Percy and myself picked flowers out the garden) and we had lunch sitting in the sun. We have also booked a night of movie watching and dinner together on saturday which im very much looking forward to. I think I will do an old fashioned lemon delicious or perhaps some sort of apple pie for dessert.
Anyway, this post is about something totally different..A lovely friend of mine moved house recently, and on one of the days I helped pack stuff for her, she handed over a bag of things she was throwing out but that she thought I would really love. Oh boy was she right. It was quite a lovely feeling knowing just how well she knows me..I guess it makes sense, we've been friends for over 10 years! Here's what I can't believe is her trash and that I can't believe is now my treasure!

These 3 oh so cute plastic figurines. They sit happily in my lounge.

This cute money box
This spoon!!!
A musical stationary holder
This cute bag. I love the large clip
Mini pots of paint. Perfect for my side of the road wooden cabinet.
She also gave hubby and myself some CD's, Aretha Franklin was in the mix, and ive been blasting that I few times this week! Don't you just love recieving things that are exactly you!!
Anyway, I thought Id share these with you. Perhaps you have some things that could get a bit more life and love with someone else or perhaps you might want to start hitting the second hand shops for treasures!
Speaking of all things second hand, I am after, if anyone has one thats not getting looked at anymore, or if anyone knows where I could find one that doesn't cost $28, this book..
Its a book of wonderful nursery rhymes and peoms. I had it as a child and completely forgot it excisted until seeing it yesterday at a friends house. It brought back sooo many memories.
Also, TOMORROW I will pull a name out of a hat (or beanie) for my GIVEAWAY, so enter if you havent already..that's if you want to of course!
Thanks again for reading my blog,
See you soon,


  1. Oh awesome! the musical stationery holder is probably my fav of your loot! Will keep an eye out for that book :)

  2. i'll keep an eye out to. a musical stationary holder-brilliant!

  3. I'm on it with the book hunt!
    Great treasure!

  4. I shall keep my eyes open for this book.
    An lucky you being gifted all those sweet goodies.

  5. Thankyou lovlies for keeping an eye out for that book!!
